If you are an adult trying to keep alive the curiosity you had as a child, then you must know that you are at the right place. It's good to be keen, to be curious, to want to know things!
This website is the place where I am going to regularly post information about the little big things!
From computers to cosmic activities, "The Keen i" has it all. This is where you will find super complex concepts explained in the simplest language and also along with a couple of in-text jokes (because I just can't resist it!) I would want to tell you what the name of this site means and what it intends to do!
The name!
"The Keen i" has been named so because poetic devices fascinate me, therefore, the 'i' here represents two meanings. The first one is certainly to have a keen eye for things; to want to understand, to try to answer all the questions that arise in your otherwise busy brain. Secondly, when you do stop ignoring this keen eye, you become a keen individual, someone who wants to know things. You become the keen "I".
What are we aimed at?
Again, something nice. We want to be a bunch of people who have the eagerness to educate themselves and be aware of the little things around us that are so significant and beautiful. This site will contain posts on topics spread across a vast spectrum. We won't let science go unnoticed!
Let's learn. Let's grow.